25 octobre 2005


This week's homework was a little different from the previous ones....We had to come up with most of the elements that would compose the work, this includes the medium used, the subject and he materials... The only condition was that we had to follow the example given in class.
In class, we did exercices with tape which had to visually represent words. The two following pictures are based on the word pause:

This composition is representing the word SYNC (synchronization):

For the homework, I had trouble finding an appropriate word, which would be original and challenging at the same time. I choose the word INEVITABLE, which I thought could only be represented by a fast moving object that could not be stopped or deviated...When I hear that word, inevitable, I feel it has a negative connotation, so I decided to make the object aggressive and mean. I did not do this composition with tape, but with simple markers and pencils. Which is what I like to work with best.